Notice of annual general meeting

Chhattisgarh Sadan (Organization Headquarters) Sector-1, Bhilai Nagar (Chhattisgarh) The Annual General Meeting of the Committee has been organized on the above mentioned date, day, time and place. Therefore, you are requested to attend the scheduled date, day, time And cooperate in making the proceedings of the general meeting successful by being present at the venue.


Annual General Meeting 2023-Submission

Chhattisgarh Cooperative Credit Society Limited, Sector-1 Bhilai Nagar, despite various economic ups and downs during the last 47 years, has kept the loan rules, maximum and minimum limits of loans and distribution system strong as compared to its competitor cooperative societies in the field of cooperatives. It has been able to maintain the pace of its progress keeping in mind the interests and facilities of the members.